Brioche Loaf


500g flour
50g castor sugar
4g salt
300g egg
95g water 
1 Tblspn orange blossom water
20g fresh yeast
300g butter softened (cubes) 


In a stand mixer fitted with a hook attachment combine, flour, sugar, salt, egg, water and yeast. Mix on medium speed.  When mixture comes to together, gradually add the butter, adding a few cubes at a time. Continue kneading with stand mixer for 15 min approx it until you have a smooth dough that is glossy and no longer sticks to the side of the bowl.  Cover and refrigerate for 1hr.  Remove and knead again to remove the gases that built up in the dough. Return to fridge for 2hrs. Repeat kneading and refrigerate covered overnight.  

The next day, knead the dough again to deflate, separate into portions as required. 

Allow the brioche to double in volume in greased tin before baking at 170 C. Baking time depends on size of brioche, 10-15min for small and 25-40 min for larger.  Egg wash before and after last proof.


Pecan Cinnamon Rolls

650g brioche dough


Melted butter for brushing the dough

Mix together;

1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 Tblsp cinnamon powder
1/3 cup roasted chopped pecans


Roll out the brioche dough into a rectangle, 0.5cm thick. Brush generously with butter. Layer sugar/cinnamon mix over butter. Keep some aside to sprinkle on top of the buns.

Roll up, tightly, lengthwise  and cut into even portions. Place in a 20/22cm springform tin.

Leave to rise for 2 hours.

20 min before proofing ends, switch your oven on 160C thermofan.


Brush the buns with;

2 Tblspn melted butter
2 Tblspn maple syrup
Sprinkle pecans

Bake for 20-25 min. Test with a skewer. 


Serve with a drizzle of maple syrup. Â